Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday Night Television is Way Better Than Monday Night Football

Until recently, Monday night football was on ABC. I can remember being so excited every week when I was a kid when my parents started letting me stay up until 9 so that I could see kickoff. I always thought that ABC had the most creative show openers (my favorite was the Top Gun theme their last season). But then it moved to ESPN and became truly dull (plus, my family doesn't get ESPN, so I didn't get to watch it again until I came to college). And I can still speak to this, because I work during all of my shows on Monday nights, but can usually catch part of the game (The bit I saw this week? Boring). However, despite how enraged I was that they moved networks, what came in to replace the NFL was even better.

Heroes 3.05: Angels and Monsters
I actually just finished watching this about an hour ago. Ky can attest to that fact. I literally threw my earphones onto the table when I finished because I was so freaked out. She's pretty adamant that of course Mr. Patrelli wasn't dead, and of course they're going to bring back Ando, but I don't care. I love the fact that I can buy into another universe completely and be truly traumatized by what they do with it. Therefore, I usually completely go by what is shown on tv (Unless I'm into some form of other media if the universe exists beyond tv Though I'm not for Heroes).

When Hiro killed Ando, I thought I was going to cry. I know I know, I'm such a girl. But I love Ando. He doesn't have abilities. He isn't "special". Which is what makes him so amazing. I know we see him in the future killing Hiro. So this would be perfect justification. However, the future is always in motion, always changing. It isn't something concrete, which is why I was so surprised last week when future Peter was able to take present Peter to the future that he had come from.

Also, all of these other storylines that they've brought in... I can't even wrap my brain around it. The scenes with Saresh? Freaky. I'm more afraid of him than Sylar. Though we're seeing Sylar reemerge from Gabriel, which leads me to just believe more that he is faking his "redemption".

There is just too much to digest in this episode (as always), and I'm left with an intense curiosity.

Oh, and that Mos Eisley reference? Made my night.

Chuck 2.03: Chuck Versus the Breakup
When Bryce showed up last week I didn't know what to expect. Part of me wasn't surprised, because whenever a relationship starts to go "right" on tv, something always happens to mess it up. The return of an ex (especially one that had to fake his death) is a great way to do this. As a geek myself, I'm completely in love with Chuck. He's got this cuteness that comes from his geeky side, but he also manages to save the day in some fashion. Have to say though, it was cool to see a tango done "properly" on this show (though, honestly, that was way too sex-driven to be proper in any culture).

And Anna? How awesome was that. I loved Casey's phone call to headquarters. "Yes, I need to run a security clearance on. . . I have a possible candidate for field work." And Chuck just freaking out about it.

As a fan of NFL on Fox, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the appearance of Michael Strahan. I knew it was coming, but I didn't know when, so that was a nice treat.

Overall, great episode. Loved the ending. Can't wait for the next one.

Gossip Girl 2.06: New Haven Can Wait
That was pretty sweet. I had a big (like grade determining big) test today, and so my mid-study break was to watch this episode. Can I just say that up until the end I truly started to hate Serena. I'm not saying I liked what Blair was doing any more, but we expect that from her. It was more shocking coming from Serena. While the ending was very unexpected, it did seem to fit. I'm anxious to see what these two do now that they've decided that they have to stay together.

Dan and Nate are friends now? I admit, I buy it. Unlike Chuck, Nate seems to have a conscious. No, I take that back. Unlike Chuck, Nate often listens to his conscious. With these two now hanging out one must wonder, How long until Dan writes another story about this experience? Hopefully never.

Chuck now owns the Life and Death Brigade (Or whatever this version of reality is calling them. Honestly, Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, they're both GG, so I'm going with the L&DB until that's clarified). Classic. And now that he's lost both Blair and Nate, what's going to happen to the great Chuck Bass? He's not been the same since he stood up Blair last season. I miss the reckless and dangerous but highly intriguing Chuck Bass. This moody one? Just isn't the same.

Little Jenny Humphry. The truly bright hope in this show. While everyone else is dealing with their teen angst and social dynamics, Jenny seems to have her feet planted in reality and to be happy and thriving. Though I said that last week and then she quit school. Now her dad is letting her homeschool (And maybe go to a school for working children? I guess it's what Vera Wang did). I hope her storyline goes well. I like Jenny and want her to be the solid person along with Vanessa.

And can I just say, the thing about whatever Bart has on Lilly? I like the way they're taking this storyline. I don't want details. I do want her to eventually get fed up with him and go back to Rufus. They're so cute together. In a middle-aged couple-y way.

Where's Eric? He has a new friend. Or so we hear.



NoelCT October 15, 2008 at 11:01 PM  

What impressed me about this week's episode of HEROES was that the story actually took some huge steps forward. My problem were two areas that just didn't sit well with me:

1) Never once did Suresh exhibit any hesitation or regret for his actions. He's sunken so far into his research that he's beyond consequences ... which just doesn't fit with his character. Now, maybe the transformation is affecting his mind in some way, but I wish they'd say for certain. Granted, Nathan and Tracy are going to head his way next episode, so we'll see what happens.

2) I had to pause the show when Hiro stabbed Ando. Once again, no hesitation, no consideration of other options. He just sticks it in and leaves, an act that screams "Out Of Character" for someone as honorable and dedicated as Hiro.

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CHUCK was a blast. Hell, even Captain Awesome had a great moment.

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Did either of you check out the premiere of MY OWN WORST ENEMY? I liked it.

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